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The Guitar as a Structure and Some Practical Information on Bracing

The Guitar as a Structure and Some Practical Information on Bracing

by James Blilie

Originally published in American Lutherie #100, 2009

Why does the neck of the guitar break at the nut when dropped off the stage?

Why does the bridge sometimes pull off a guitar? Why does the neck of a guitar sometimes need to be reset? Why does a really thick guitar top give less bass response than a top of more typical thickness (a thinner top)? These are questions that are — primarily — structural.

I have seen many ideas on the structure of guitars in print that are simply wrong. I am a structural engineer and have been working in the civil engineering, aviation, and medical device industries for twenty-five years. My engineering work has been, in essence, ensuring that structures are strong (or stiff) enough. I am also a guitar maker since 1998 (I’m building my fifty-ninth guitar) and a fingerstyle guitar player. I have found that my engineering experience has helped my guitar building in many ways. This is my $0.02 worth as an experienced structural engineer.

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Letter: Circles in Classical Violin Design

Letter: Circles in Classical Violin Design

by Jim Blilie

Originally published in American Lutherie #89, 2007

Hi Tim,

I’m sure Michael Darnton has infinitely more experience with violin design and a much more sensitive eye for the form of violins than I do (See The Power of Circles). That being said, I was really bothered by his article.

Mr. Darnton writes that his theory of circles in the design of classic Cremonese violins seems to be the only one that will produce aesthetically pleasing shapes. I have no doubt that circles were used extensively in the design of violins, since they are much easier to draw than parabolic, hyperbolic, or elliptical curves. But he goes on to say that essentially all the extant violins of the height of the Cremonese school do not follow his plan. He posits various reasons for this, but in engineering, if the data don’t match your theory, you go back to the drawing board and find a new theory!

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