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Ed Arnold: String-Tie Kind of Guy

Ed Arnold: String-Tie Kind of Guy

by Nicholas Von Robison

Originally published in American Lutherie #7, 1986 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie, Volume One, 2000

Ed Arnold is a crew-cut and string-tie kind of guy. I met him while crewing aboard his son-in-law’s thirty-two foot sloop Iolaire on definitely not a crew- cut and string-tie kind of day. As a storm scudded down on us and I ejected my lunch off to leeward, I watched Ed go forward with the lithe grace of an athlete to hank on the storm jib on that bucking bronco of a foredeck.

Ed turned sixty-seven in June. He’s the kind of guy you can picture being at home on a rugged wilderness trail or negotiating a mountain pass on a donkey, and making it look easy. In his sixteen years as an exotic wood importer I’m sure he has ridden a few donkeys and walked a few dusty miles. A one-man operation, he went into Mexico and Central America, selected his trees, oversaw their handling and production, then shipped them home by container. He knows wood in a way that few luthiers ever will, our work beginning with the end result of Ed’s labors. I obtained some answers to things I have pondered over from time to time and even some I haven’t. Anybody know the Mexican name for mahogany? Zopilozontecomacuahitl.

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de Grassi & Dawgs: Our Hates & Luvs

de Grassi & Dawgs: Our Hates & Luvs

by David B. Sheppard

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Quarterly, Volume 9, #3, 1981

I conducted brief interviews with some of the top-notch performers at the 1980 G.A.L. Convention; David Grisman, Mike Marshall, Mark O’Conner, and Alex de Grassi. I asked each of them the same questions:

What instruments do you use on stage?

As you might expect, this question produced a variety of answers. Alex de Grassi uses three recent instruments; two made by the Guild Guitar Company (a six-string and a twelve-string), and his main guitar made by Ervin Somogyi. The members of the David Grisman Quintet (Grisman, Marshall, and O’Conner) use a number of vintage instruments on stage, most of which are Gibson; F-5 mandolins, H-4 mandola, K-4 mandocello. At the time of the convention Mark O’Conner was using a vintage Martin D-28 guitar, but shortly thereafter he purchased a cutaway flattop guitar from Ervin Somogyi and is now using it most of the time. The Grisman Quintet also uses recent mandolins by Guild member John Monteleone in its performances.

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Letter: Career Anecdotes

Letter: Career Anecdotes

by Michael Cone

Originally published in American Lutherie #32, 1992 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume Three, 2004

Dear Sirs:

I built my first classical guitar in 1968. Since that time I have been fascinated with the quality of sound of the classical guitar, so it was with great interest that I read Alan Carruth’s articles on guitar plate tuning.

Early in my career I had a dream, and in the dream I was playing a classical guitar. You know it was a dream because the guitarmaker was actually playing. This guitar did not sound like a guitar, though; it sounded like a complete orchestra. It was at that point I realized what possibilities were inherent in the guitar and dedicated myself to realizing at least some of these possibilities.

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Operation: Bootstraps Britain

Operation: Bootstraps Britain

by Theron McClure

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Newsletter Vol. 4, #2, 1976

The English luthiers are two years behind in filling their orders from customers. You cannot buy lutes, viols, etc., “off the hook” in London. A choice of harpsichords is limited.

It is not the musical and playing public who caused this short supply of instruments in Britain. It was the luthiers themselves who created and developed the healthy market for instruments. But how?

By playing. Makers of those early-type instruments which are so much easier to learn to play then are the symphonic type, built lutes and viols for themselves taught themselves to play them, and presented concerts which developed audiences and buyers for these musical products.

American luthiers can do the same thing and have the same successes. How will a prospective buyer of an instrument know whether he wants you instrument if he doesn’t hear it demonstrated for him, and he himself can’t play?

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Violin Q&A, Part One

Violin Q&A, Part One

by George Manno

Originally published in American Lutherie #9, #10, #11, 1987 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume One, 2000

In the last year I have received many letters concerning the repair articles I have written for American Lutherie. For the most part, the writers have thanked me for my willingness to share with the membership. Along with the comments on past articles, there are always a few questions asking my opinion about what to use or where to buy, and so on. I’d like to share some of those questions, along with my replies.

No matter what I use to polish a violin, it never seems to clean it completely. Do you have any suggestions?

I have never found a product that cleans as well as polishes, although many manufacturers claim that their product will do both. Taking into consideration the instrument’s age, type of varnish, and how dirty it is, there are a number of cleaning products that you can use. Example: a French violin, ca. 1875, covered with a thin spirit varnish, with enough caked-on rosin so that ridges have formed on either side of the fingerboard.

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