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Review: How to Make a Violin Bow by Frank V. Henderson

Review: How to Make a Violin Bow by Frank V. Henderson

Reviewed by David Riggs

Originally published in American Lutherie #25, 1991 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume Three, 2004

How to Make a Violin Bow
Frank V. Henderson
Murray Publishing Co., 1977
LCCN 77375025

This may be the most useful “how-to” book you will read on any lutherie topic. If you ever wanted to make a bow; if you like clear, concise directions on toolmaking, sharpening, workbenches, investment casting, the use of machine tools in woodworking, or a good many other topics of immediate concern to those working with instruments; if you can appreciate an easily read treatment of an interesting topic which will be clear to readers with little or no lutherie experience, this book will bang your gong!

The author makes no pretense that his book will fit a craftsman to make his or her living as a bow maker. It does, however, actually show you that to make a very credible violin bow does not require supernatural skill or secret knowledge, a pleasant surprise if you have read other books on the subject which seem to actually discourage you from the undertaking. This is not a subject about which a ton is in print. Not that you need a ton if you have this 182-page illustrated volume.

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Review: Steel-String Guitar Construction by Irving R. Sloane

Review: Steel-String Guitar Construction by Irving R. Sloane

Reviewed by David Riggs

Originally published in American Lutherie #26, 1991 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume Three, 2004

Steel-String Guitar Construction
Irving R. Sloane
Bold Strummer, 1990
ISBN 0-933224-19-2

This is a reissue of a book which was originally published in 1975 and was, at that time, just about the only widely available assistance for those aspiring to build a steel string guitar. In its new edition, it is virtually unchanged from its original incarnation and thus is as good or as bad as it used to be. Although some of the book’s information might appear a bit dated to our information-saturated eyes, it does contain at least one essential feature available nowhere else.

The purpose of this book is to give a person with a few woodworking skills the information needed to build a first guitar, and Mr. Sloane successfully covers all aspects of this commission. Good, solid advice is given concerning selection of materials, design requirements, and the processes which will result in a satisfactory effort, whilst avoiding great expense for materials and special tools.

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