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Beautiful Bog Oak

Beautiful Bog Oak by Gary Southwell Originally published in American Lutherie #152, July 2024   Black Oak, Fenland black oak, and bog oak are all names commonly used for this remarkable timber, which is over 5,000 years old. The wood I use comes from the English East Anglian Fenlands of Norfolk and Lincolnshire. Let us start […]

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Construction of a Tielke Viol

Construction of a Tielke Viol by Derek Porter Originally published in American Lutherie #152, July 2024   Music is a traveling phenomenon. It hitches on the backs of dreamers and immigrants to meet cousins in new lands. Old lands; where cultures grow in response to the tropes of their environments. The melodies these cultures create […]

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Electric Guitar Repair: Setups, Frets, and Inspiration

Electric Guitar Repair: Setups, Frets, and Inspiration from their 2023 GAL Convention workshop by Evan Gluck and Larry Fitzgerald Originally published in American Lutherie #152, July 2024   Evan Gluck: We’re going to talk about setups, fret work, and stuff that inspires us and keeps us jazzed about the profession. I run New York Guitar Repair […]

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Letter: How the GAL Got Started

Letters and more from our readers Originally published in American Lutherie #152, July 2024   Tim — In 1946 I entered the 7th grade, which was then known as junior high school. It was an OK experience, but it was made particularly interesting by an activity called “Industrial Arts.” I had a fine instructor who taught us […]

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Summer 2024 American Lutherie – Mobile Friendly

American Lutherie #152 Summer 2024 Letters and more from our readers Electric Guitar Repair: Setups, Frets, and Inspiration from their 2023 GAL Convention workshop by Evan Gluck and Larry Fitzgerald Construction of a Tielke Viol by Derek Porter Beautiful Bog Oak by Gary Southwell The Black British Timber by Kevin Aram Meet Brad Goodman by […]