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Spraying Lacquer With Nitrogen

Spraying Lacquer With Nitrogen

by Harry Coleman

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Data Sheet #64, 1978 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume One, 2000

There are several advantages of using compressed nitrogen for spraying over the more conventional air compressor. Air compressors, when pulling air right out of the atmosphere, also pull the moisture in the air right into the storage tank. Most of it can be filtered out, but not all. In addition, oil has a way of working its way from the piston assembly in the compressor into the air line and ending up on your work. Compressors are expensive and do break. You have to have a long enough air line to get the compressor out of the finishing room or a spark from the motor could blow you away. Long lines cause a drop in air pressure.

With nitrogen you are assured of 100% clean, dry “air.” Since there’s no motor involved, you can put the whole unit in the finishing room and use a shorter air line. The only disadvantage is that air is free, but nitrogen isn’t. You also have to take your tank out to get it filled. This is inconvenient, but the quality of the spray job makes it worth the trouble and expense, especially for a low-volume shop.

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Building a First Guitar

Building a First Guitar

by Harry Coleman

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Quarterly Volume 6 #1, 1978 and Lutherie Woods and Steel String Guitars, 1997

I’ve played guitar since 1961. I built knives around 1968, so I had an interest in working with my hands. This led naturally into an interest in guitar building.

Early in 1975, I started buying all the books that were available on building and repair of guitars and any other stringed instruments. Guitar Player magazine had very little to offer, but it was something to read. I studied and memorized the books and articles for about six months before ever cutting the first piece of wood. I didn’t agree with one big thing that stood out in almost every book. They all said that a person should build his or her first guitar out of cheap materials so that when he screwed it up he would not have lost a lot of money on expensive wood.

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