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Letter: Swing Arm Binding Router

Letter and more from our readers Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   Hello Bon, American Lutherie has been a valuable part of my many years of membership. I found lots of useful information for the beginning builder that I was, and still am, as I learned proper techniques and enjoyed the very detailed articles. I never intended […]

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Review: The Bouzouki Book, by Graham McDonald

Review: The Bouzouki Book by Graham McDonald

Reviewed by John Calkin

Originally published in American Lutherie #80, 2004 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume Seven, 2015

The Bouzouki Book
Graham McDonald
ISBN 0-646-43602-3
Graham McDonald Stringed Instruments, 117 pp., 2004

Totally new instruments don’t appear very often. When they do the results can be pretty exciting, both musically and socially, though it’s not easy to establish a pattern to the events.

When the 5-string banjo was born in America in the early-to-mid 19th century it took a couple decades for many of the details to become standardized, after which the popularity of the banjo began to grow rapidly. Small builders furnished most of the early instruments, but as the banjo boom spread, larger factories became the important players. Banjo production mirrored the industrialization of the country at large. However, it takes a lot of money to drive an industry, and as the 20th century demand for banjos began to wane, the big companies backed off and there was once again room for the small builder.

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