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It Worked for Me

It Worked for Me by Spiros Mamais, Steven Kennel, and Mike Doolin Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   ■ Here is a double press for joining soundboard halves. It’s a real time saver because it allows you to glue two soundboards at the same time, quickly and easily. I used hollow profile tubes of […]

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Electronic String-Action Gauge

Electronic String-Action Gauge by Geoff Needham Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   Classical guitar string action is a matter of personal taste and there is no single value that suits all guitars or players. String action is often expressed as the distance between the underside of a string and the top of the […]

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A Kerfed Lining Fixture

A Kerfed Lining Fixture by Lee Herron Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   I like to make my own kerfed lining. It gives me control over material, dimensions, shape, and grain orientation. I’ve designed and built a fixture to do this (Photo 1). Photo 1. All photos by Lee Herron. I’ll most often use […]

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Measuring the Breaking Strength of Steel Guitar Strings

Measuring the Breaking Strength of Steel Guitar Strings by Mark French Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   Steel guitar strings have been available for at least one hundred years, and a large majority of guitars use them. Steel strings changed the design of instruments since they brought higher tension, which required stronger structures. […]

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A Day with Luisa Willsher of Madinter

A Day with Luisa Willsher of Madinter by Federico Sheppard Originally published in American Lutherie #151, 2024   In my constant wanderings, I have from time to time stopped in at Madrid-based Madinter for some needed instrument-making supplies. Over the years, I witnessed the rapid growth of this now-worldwide powerhouse to become one of the premier suppliers […]