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Review: Guitar Repair “A Manual of Repair for Guitars and Fretted Instruments” by Irving Sloane

Review: Guitar Repair “A Manual of Repair for Guitars and Fretted Instruments” by Irving Sloane

Reviewed by Leo L. Bidne

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Newsletter Volume 2 #2, 1974

Guitar Repair
“A Manual of Repair for Guitars and Fretted Instruments”
Irving Sloane
1973; 95pp.
$8.95 postpaid from; E.P. Dutton
201 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10003

This book should have been written years ago. It would have saved us all the trouble of figuring out these techniques ourselves, and given us more time to develop our Art.

Compiled with the C.F. Martin Organization, Mr. Sloane’s book deals in all facets of repairing acoustic guitars, including what to do with:

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Review: The Modern Harpsichord by Wolfgang Joachim Zuckermann

Review: The Modern Harpsichord by Wolfgang Joachim Zuckermann

Reviewed by J.R. Beall

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Newsletter Volume 1, #1, 1973

The Modern Haprsichord
Wolfgang Joachim Zuckermann
Octoberhouse Inc. $15.00

This recent book by Mr. Zuckermann is a large, well-illustrated, intelligently written and edited volume that lists and comments on most of the known makers of today. It contains, also, an historical preface and a practical guide to the care and feeding of all kinds of harpsichords, ancient and modern. This book is interesting, readable, sometimes humorous, often bitingly critical. Zuckermann’s liberal use of his own rather strong opinion seems not to detract from the authority of this well-researched work. Anyone interested in buying or building a harpsichord will find this book immensely valuable and well worth its $15.00 price. Having just finished my first scratch-built harpsichord, I speak from personal experience. ◆

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Review: Julian Bream: A Life on the Road by Tony Palmer

Review: Julian Bream: A Life on the Road by Tony Palmer

Reviewed by Gila Eban

Originally published in American Lutherie #5, 1986 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume One, 2000

Julian Bream: A Life on the Road
Tony Palmer
McDonald & Co., 1982
Out of print (1999)

Most of the material for this book was gathered while its author, along with photographer Daniel Meadows, traveled with Julian Bream on one of his tours. Although there is no chronological “plot,” the book is packed with “action”: Being stuck after a concert, in an unfamiliar “sleazy part of town” in Italy, or in an unpredictable snowstorm on America’s East Coast; guitars cracking after passage through the Alps; choosing to play a concert in a remote part of India, only to find out that the local inhabitants are accustomed to concerts of Indian music, which last twice as long as the standard classical music concert in the West! In order to prevent a riot, Bream has to play every piece he can possibly remember. In South America or at a quiet chapel in the English countryside, there is always an element of the unexpected, provided by an angry dictator’s wife or a nearby artillery firing-range.

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Review: Identifying Wood: Accurate Results With Simple Tools by R. Bruce Hoadley

Review: Identifying Wood: Accurate Results With Simple Tools by R. Bruce Hoadley

Reviewed by Nicholas Von Robison

Originally published in American Lutherie #29, 1992 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume Three, 2004

Identifying Wood: Accurate Results With Simple Tools
R. Bruce Hoadley
Taunton Press, 1991. 224 pp.
ISBN 0-942391-04-7

Can’t tell the difference between... uh... spruce and Shineola? Hope that batch of Picea excelsa you paid a small fortune for really isn’t Pinus attenuata or something similar? In times past, wood identification has been the weak spot in most luthier’s knowledge simply because the ID methods available have not been user-friendly. Dr. Hoadley has made a valiant effort to remedy this problem and I think has succeeded very well in his hybrid approach to wood identification.

Of the old methods, one approach involves trying to match an unknown wood with a photograph or a veneer sample. The futility of this approach is obvious unless you are a rank amateur trying to determine whether a sample is walnut or zebrawood. The other method, usually presented in texts for professionals, involves a thorough understanding of wood structure, formation, chemistry, and so on. The ID process is accomplished by the use of dichotomous keys — this type of key presenting a series of choices, each choice involving only two possibilities. While this method can be highly accurate if you know your wood stuff, making a wrong choice or misinterpretation anywhere during the keying process can throw you wildly off the track.

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Review: Selected Articles from VSA Journal

Review: Selected Articles from VSA Journal

Reviewed by Ernest Nussbaum

Originally published in American Lutherie #11, 1987 and Big Red Book of American Lutherie Volume One, 2000

Review: Selected Articles from VSA Journal
Violin Society of America
48 Academy St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Vol. VII No. 3. (All the articles in this issue were originally presented as papers at the VSA’s Tenth Annual Convention in November 1982, and include discussion based on questions from the audience.)

Peggy Shipman: “Retouching: Methods and Materials.” Ms. Shipman’s paper mentions the use of water color; choosing the right wood for repairs and possible heat treatment for same, types of stains, color theory, the use of oil vs. alcohol varnish, pigments and coloring materials, and brush types.

Herbert A. Wilson: “Space Age Technology for the Violin World.” Mr. Wilson manufactures an abrasive called “Micro-Mesh” which can be used for producing an ultra-fine finish on many surfaces including those of musical instruments. (The material is also sold on a foam backing under the name “Polysand.”) The paper deals with where, when, and how to use this material, how it acts on a surface, and how its action differs from that of other abrasives/polishing agents.

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