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Meet the Maker: James Ham

Meet the Maker: James Ham

by Roger Alan Skipper

Originally published in American Lutherie #102, 2010

Professional luthier James Ham operates from a shop in Victoria, British Columbia. Though he continues to repair and restore violin-family instruments and bows, he is perhaps best known for his construction of world-class double basses. Mr. Ham is a board member of the Catgut Acoustical Society and a founder of the VSA Festival of Innovation. His time and talents are in great demand, but he graciously found the time to respond to yet another inquiring writer.

You’ve been involved with lutherie for a long time, and you’ve achieved some real success. Your name appears often in the upper echelons of the double bass and cello worlds, where you’re widely known as a superb craftsman and a remarkable innovator. Tell me a bit about how you started.

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