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Questions: Santuri

Questions: Santuri

by Peter Kyvelos

Originally published in American Lutherie #91, 2007

See also,
Questions: Santuri by Roger Reid


Steven Bernstein from the Internet asks:

In Zorba the Greek, Zorba played a Turkish instrument called the santuri. If you could point me toward a photo of it, or better yet plans and recorded music, I’d like to know more about what Kazantzakis, the author, was talking about.

Peter Kyvelos of Belmont, Massachusetts,

The sandouri or santouri (most common English spellings) is an instrument of the hammered dulcimer type. They are common in Greece and are related to the much smaller Persian santur. Pictured is a sandouri built by Chris Pantazelos in our shop, Unique Strings. I know of no plans for the instrument. There are recordings that feature the instrument, such as Axion Esti, written by Mikis Theodorakis, composer of the soundtrack for the movie version of Zorba. ◆

Photo by R.M. Mottola

See also,
Questions: Santuri by Roger Reid