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Review: Guitar; An American Life by Tim Brookes

Review: Guitar; An American Life by Tim Brookes

Reviewed by Ervin Somogyi

Originally published in American Lutherie #87, 2006

Guitar: An American Life
Tim Brookes
ISBN: 0-8021-1796-1
Grove Press, 352 pp., 2005

I found Tim Brookes’ Guitar: An American Life while browsing in a bookstore in Manhattan. I’d never heard of this book, but it’s one of the most enjoyable and informative reads I’ve ever had about the instrument I’ve built my professional life around. It’s written much in the spirit of Richard Halliburton’s marvelous and magical travel books that I read many years ago and that opened up my young mind’s vistas.

It was a pleasant surprise to find that this book is, on the initial level, about a guitar building collaboration between the author and Rick Davis, a fellow luthier with whom I have a friendship. A book about a guitar making project written from the client’s point of view: Wow, what a great idea!

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