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Business Ethics in Lutherie

Business Ethics in Lutherie

by Lawrence Lundy

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Quarterly, Volume 6 ,#2, 1978

Among the purposes listed in the G.A.L.’s charter is to encourage among luthiers the highest possible standards of ethical business practices in the operation of their enterprises. The questionnaire sent out at the end of last year was intended to acquire a range of ideas on the subject of current business practices as they relate to the customer. The response was surprisingly good with over 90 members responding to the joint questionnaires.

In writing this report, I have tried not to set any standards by suggesting what the average policy is, or the one followed most frequently, or by inserting any of my own values. The idea was to make a shopping list by including every idea mentioned by respondents for modifying their own practices. Because such reporting lacks personality (both mine and those of the respondents) and tends, therefore, to be inherently dull, I have also tried to be as brief as possible.

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