Web Extras American Lutherie #141 - Winter 2020 Page 18 - When Your Business Hits a Bump by Evan Gluck Jay Hostetler and his partner, out for barbeque in New York with Evan. Saul Koll at Evan Gluck’s shop. Chris and Jeremy Jenkins. Tim Frick. Michael Greenfield. Mamie Minch. I went out to Athens, Ohio, with Chris Herrod and had dinner with Don MacRostie his partner, Dan and Joan Erlewine, and Erick Coleman and his wife Missy. Gary Brawer. “Ken Parker called me and said, ‘Hey, I’m putting my guitar in the Metropolitan Museum of Art today. Can I borrow your bench?’ Totally!” David Collins, Linda Manzer, Tom Ribbecke, and Larry Fitzgerald. Page 26 - Romantic Guitars in Norway by Leonardo Michelin-Salomon Measuring back thickness of the Schöne #103 guitar. Measuring a Gennaro Fabricatore at the University of Edinburgh, St. Cecilia’s Hall. Sketches and final blueprint for an 1816 Gennaro Fabricatore guitar. Bar fret stock cut from sheet of brass. Leonardo Michelin-Salomon’s blog: https://handverksinstituttet.no/stipendiater/Gitarmakerens-blogg A brief description in English about the school, the rationale for creating it, and how it works: https://www.nordicsafeguardingpractices.org/good-practice/fellowships-in-traditional-crafts/ Page 36 - GAL Instrument Plan #79: 1964 Harmony/Regal Guitar by Steve Kennel The restored Regal and its friend, a Vibratone Guts of the Vibratone.