

You have questions? We have answers! Members will receive more details after they register.

Attending and Registering

Do I need to register to attend the convention?
Yes, everyone who wants to attend must register and pay the registration fee, either for the entire event or for the one-day fee. If you are coming for more than one day (or parts of more than one day), you must pay the full registration fee. If you just want to see the exhibition, it will be open to the public on Saturday, July 8th from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. That’s the only time you can come without registering if you want to see the exhibition and visit folks.

Can I come for just a day or two?
As long as you register, you can come for whatever days you want! We’ve included a one-day registration option, but if you want to attend for more than one day, you need to pay the full registration fee. The Guild Convention is a conference, not a festival, so we don’t sell tickets to individual presentations. And you really want to be there for the whole event to make the most of it!

Do I have to be a member to register?
Yes, unless you come as someone’s guest (or want to pay double). We charge double for nonmembers to attend on their own, and since no one ever does that, we took that option off our registration form. You can join when you register. You must be a member to exhibit.

Does it cost extra to exhibit my instruments? Do I have to apply to exhibit?
No, the registration fee for members is the same whether or not you exhibit your instruments. Any member who wants to show their instruments can get a table at the exhibition. A higher fee is charged if you want to exhibit as a supplier exhibit to sell wood, supplies, or services.

What is your cancellation policy?
We usually give almost-full refunds if you let us know in advance that you are not coming. We will subtract a small service fee to cover our costs. If you are not able to come or if we have to cancel the event due to Covid-19, we’ll give you a full refund.

Can I register at the door?
Yes, you can register at the door to attend the entire convention, or for a day visit. You cannot register at the door to stay in the dorms or to exhibit (see above). We’ll accept personal checks, money orders, cash, and credit cards at the door.

Where do I go to register if I’m registering at the door?
The Guild Convention registration table will be set up in the main lobby of the Anderson University Center, located on the PLU campus at 122nd and S. Park Ave. Registration begins at 1:00pm on Wednesday, and we’ll be at the same location and have information at the registration table throughout the convention.


The Exhibition

Should I exhibit?
To make the most of the learning experience (and fun) of the convention, we encourage you to exhibit your instruments. The Guild Convention is for sharing information and what better way to share than to show the fruits of your labors, for your own education as well as for the benefit of your fellow members. It enriches the experience for everyone! There are no workshops scheduled during the exhibit times, so you won’t miss any scheduled presentations if you exhibit.

Do I have to be a professional luthier to exhibit?
No, everyone is encouraged to exhibit, whatever their experience, skill level or situation; whether it’s your first instrument or your 300th!

I want to exhibit my instruments, but I also want to sell some of my old wood. How do I register?
If you’re selling any supplies or services to luthiers, you need to register at the supplier rate. We may make an exception to this in some limited circumstances — inquire with Deb.

Can I share an exhibit table?
Yes, just let us know when you register if you are willing to share, or have made arrangements to share with someone so we can note it in the program. If we have enough tables, we may not find someone to share with you. If you want to exhibit more than two instruments, we suggest you get your own table.

Can I pick the location of my exhibition table?
Yes, with limits. We have two exhibit halls, Chris Knutsen on the main floor of the University Center and the Scandinavian Cultural Center on the lower floor (accessible by elevator). We put all the suppliers in Chris Knutsen, usually around the perimeter where there is power available. We will contact you after you register to ask if you have a preference for table location and other requests. You can request same location you had at a previous convention. You can request to be next to another exhibitor if that person also requests to be next to you.

What are the exhibition tables like?
They are standard banquet tables, 30˝ x 6´. You should bring your own table covering, instrument stands, etc. Look at photos from our previous exhibitions to get a feel for what our exhibit it like.

What if I register to exhibit but decide not to or am unable to finish my instruments in time?
If you register as an exhibitor, we are going to reserve a table for you and put your name in the program, so please, if you decide at any point that you can’t exhibit, just let us know and we’ll let someone else have your table.

I missed the deadline to exhibit. Is there a waiting list in case someone cancels and can’t use their table?
Yes, if you missed the deadline but still want to exhibit, we can put you on a waiting list. There are no guarantees that we’ll have space, and you will not be listed in the program.

Can I ship stuff ahead?
Yes you can ship ahead. See details under shipping.


Our site – Pacific Lutheran University

Is there wi-fi on campus?
Yes, convention participants will have wi-fi access on the PLU campus. Login info will be provided at the registration area when you check in.

What is the parking situation?
There is plenty of free parking in the lots surrounding the campus as well as free street parking, no parking passes needed. Just don’t park in any designated or restricted spots.

Is PLU wheelchair accessible?
Yes, PLU complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the halls we will be using are wheelchair accessible. If you need special assistance, please contact us by June 5 or earlier, especially if you want to stay on campus.

What will the weather be like during the convention?
Western Washington has a mild summer climate with high temps usually in the 70s (F) and comfortable humidity. We suggest you bring a light jacket or sweater for the possible cool evening. Rain is always a possibility in early July.


Dorm Lodging and Meals

What’s the latest I can register in order to exhibit or get dorm lodging?
June 9 if you mail your form, June 16 if you register online.

Can I stay on campus for a day or two?
Sorry, we’re only offering the dorm lodging as a 4-night package. See the off-campus lodging section of our Lodging and Meals page.

I’m staying on campus and I will be arriving late on Wednesday. Do I need to make any special arrangements?
Yes, if you’re arriving after 7:00pm, let us know so we can make sure you get into your dorm room. You’ll receive instructions on check-in after you register.

What are the dorm rooms like?
The standard dorms are basic dorm rooms with two single (twin) beds per room and the toilet/bath down the hall. The South Hall dorm has suites of separate, lockable, single-bed bedrooms that share a kitchenette and bath. Kitchenettes in South Hall have no utensils, dishes or microwaves, so if you want to cook, you need to bring your own supplies. There are no cooking facilities in the regular dorms. Linens, including bedding and towels, are provided. Towels are not hotel quality, so you may want to bring your own extra towel. There are pay laundry facilities in all of the dorms.

Do you assign roommates?
No, if you want double occupancy in the standard dorms, you need to arrange for your own roommate. If you don’t have a roommate, register for a single room. If you do arrange for a roommate, please register at the same time and list your roommate’s name on the form. In South Hall we may run out of space, so we may offer to double up a few singles in the larger quad rooms that have two baths. If you are willing to share a larger suite in South Hall, check that box on the registration form.

Is there anywhere to camp near the convention site?
Yes, see our Lodging and Meals page.

Do we need to purchase meal cards to eat in the PLU dining hall?
The Commons in the University Center is available to us and we encourage members to eat there as it is the most convenient, they have lots of great food options, and you’re most likely to run into other members there. The college no longer requires us to purchase prepaid meal cards, so you can conveniently pay with cash or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express).

Are there other places nearby to eat?
The PLU Commons and Old Main store are both in the University Center, same building as our exhibition halls, and are the most convenient, but there are several restaurants within walking distance of campus. We’ll provide a map in our program of close-by eateries. And there are even more eating options within a short drive if you have wheels.


GAL Publication Sales

Will GAL publications be available for sale at the convention?
Yes, you will be able to purchase GAL books, back issues, and some fun GAL souvenirs at the Guild table on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during the exhibition time. There won’t be any sales a the GALHQ Open House on Sunday afternoon.

Can I purchase plans at the convention?
We may allow folks to order plans in advance to pick up at the registration table during the Convention. Watch this space for updates.