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Meet the Maker: Stan Werbin

Meet the Maker: Stan Werbin

By Roger Alan Skipper

Originally published in American Lutherie #108, 2011

I met Stan Werbin, owner of Elderly Instruments in Lansing, Michigan, in 2009 at the Midwest Banjo Camp he directs along with Ken Perlman in nearby Olivet, Michigan. It was clear then that Stan is a busy man, but I didn’t realize just how busy until I tried to arrange an interview. Our schedules finally meshed, however, and with his office door closed to the business without, I found him relaxed and forthcoming.

Stan, you’ve been a member of the Guild of American Luthiers, even back when, as Tim Olsen says, “there was not much to show but a good idea and a naïve willingness to try.” Yet you’re not a builder. What’s the attraction?

In the early days of Elderly Instruments, I was just trying to learn to repair instruments so I could fix the ones we had for sale, but I didn’t really have the time required to get good at it. Before we even had a repairman on staff, I’d farm out repairs to Jeff Elliott, who lived here in the early- to mid-1970s.

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