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‘Doc’ Watson

‘Doc’ Watson

by Dennis Siler

Originally published in Guild of American Luthiers Quarterly Volume 10, #4, 1982

Arthel Watson (“Doc” to his friends) was born in Stoney Fork, North Carolina in 1923. At age 13 with two years of banjo experience already under his belt, Doc began to learn the guitar. He has since that time amassed an enormous and growing group of admirers around the world.

Doc’s musical background is wide and varied. He began playing professionally in 1953 and played in both country-western and rock groups. In the early ’60s he began to travel around the country, performing folk and traditional music at festivals, folk clubs and colleges. In his present concert tours, Doc plays a wide variety of music; folk, traditional bluegrass, rock-a-billy, blues and almost anything else. He wows the crowd everywhere he goes — young and old alike.

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